Group Topics
While specific topics discussed in group sessions vary according to the needs of the particular members, the group follows a broad curriculum encompassing essential social-emotional subject areas. Topics include:
- social pragmatics: communication skills, active listening, giving and receiving feedback from peers, awareness of nonverbal communicative cues
- improving peer relationships, by identifying objectives, selecting appropriate potential friends, learning how to approach peers, and strategies for building and maintaining friendships
- self-awareness and awareness of others’ emotional responses, and learning appropriate ways to modulate moods
- cognitive strategies for overcoming exaggerated negative thinking
- self-regulation skills: development of capacity to self-soothe, using relaxation techniques, visualization, simple biofeedback, etc.
- conflict resolution skills, including listening and accepting competing points of view, negotiation, compromise, etc.
- anger management techniques
- active coping strategies to resolve identified problems (e.g. brainstorming solutions, selecting the most appropriate solution, trying out the solution, reporting back to the group)
- coping with bullying, harassment, exclusion or other forms of relational aggression
The number of sessions allotted to each topic is variable, and topics are integrated as needed; social-emotional “tools” that are introduced for a specific topic are often relevant for other subject areas (for example, diaphragmatic breathing is introduced as a self-regulation tool, but is also useful as a component in anger management). The program is sufficiently flexible to allow the therapists to focus on new individual or group needs that arise during the course of the program. Group sessions are supplemented by individual or family sessions, with the goal of enhancing acquisition of new skills in the group and applying group skills in other settings.
Please call for additional program details, group openings, referral information, or scheduling.