New Group for High School Seniors: Preparing to leave for college
Get Ready, Get Set, Go: Support Group for College-bound Seniors:
College-bound seniors are facing the greatest transition of their lives, leaving the comforts of home for an unfamiliar environment with an entirely new set of social and emotional tasks, including group living arrangements, a new peer group, and higher academic demands. This weekly group helps seniors anticipate and prepare for some of the challenges they will encounter, such as sorting out and selecting among college options, separating from parents and friends, leaving home and making a new home, dealing with loneliness and stress, strengthening skills and habits that contribute to college success, safety issues, strategies for entering and making connections in the new setting, preparing for academic expectations, etc.
Groups are led by clinicians with extensive experience in adolescent issues. In addition to guided discussion and peer support, we will occasionally invite current college freshmen who have navigated this transition successfully, to share their own experiences, answer questions, and help seniors prepare realistically.
The group is limited to 8 members, will meet weekly during April, May, and early June, and provides 10 hourly sessions, as well as 2 parent sessions. Supplemental summer sessions are also available.
Please contact us to reserve a place, or to request more information.